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By: Heather Emberley
Posted: 3:29 PM CST Monday, Jan. 4, 2021
Woman Healing for Change Manitoba describes itself as a cross-cultural, diverse, volunteer-based registered charity working to expand the circle of Manitoba women to create environments of learning and healing.
“Women need each other. Women need to take care of our inner world to be effective in the outer world,” says Marianne Cerilli, an experienced community organizer who is facilitating an online workshop on Saturday, Feb. 27 that will raise funds for WHFC.
“Women need to take care of each other so we can take consummate care of our families, our community and the world.”
Cerilli’s six-hour online workshop, titled Healthy Communities, Healthy People, Healthy Planet, will run — from 9:30 am to 3:30 pm on Saturday, February 27.
It will benefit WHFC and its Little Stars Playhouse project, a play place for North End children under five and their caregivers.
Cerilli brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to guide participants in “holistic health and to explore the social and ecological determinants of healthy communities through interactive and fun activities.”
Cerilli’s passion for community development comes from her educational background, her time as an MLA and her work as a high school guidance counsellor and college and university instructor, among other things. She aims to “link individual empowerment with social innovation to transform systems for a more equitable, sustainable and peaceful world.”
Through the workshop, Cerilli hopes to increase awareness of “internalized oppression and unconscious privilege.”
She says its content is suited to all advocates and activists, teachers, researchers, health care and fitness professionals, not-for-profit board members and volunteers, and elected officials and staff.
Takeaways from the weekend will include “tools to move from our current medical model to a holistic and natural approach” and resources will be shared on how to move forward to community engagement
She says that “by making a connection to public health we can take care of each other.”
Truer words were never spoken, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic. She says that far too many Manitobans have no choices because of poverty and her heart goes out to those who “can’t stay home because they don’t have a home.”
Workshop participation is capped at 40. To register, visit
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